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Alaska Marine Response
will get you and your vessel back to work as soon as possible.

CALL (907) 253-7424

Salvage & Towing

Alaska Marine Response provides comprehensive salvage and towing services. When a vessel experiences an emergency on the water, runs aground, or sinks, AMR is fully equipped to raise and/or tow to any port of refuge. Our professional divers can assess underwater hull damage, implement emergency repairs, and/or attach lifting apparatus. AMR communicates necessary information to all federal and state agencies and the on-board team.

Some of the gear we keep on board includes:

  • Dewatering equipment
  • Dive gear
  • Air compressors
  • Extensive damage control kit
  • Lift bags
  • Containment equipment including:
    • Oil spill boom and absorbent materials
    • Skimmers
    • Mini-barge
  • Trash pumps
  • Appropriate towing gear

Some features of our warehouse facility in Cordova:

  • Forklift, trailers, loader
  • Storage space

AMR’s “Salvage Central” on-site office in Cordova:

  • Billing and administration
  • Space for meetings and reorganizing
  • The coffee’s always on!

Marine Contracting

Alaska Marine Response has the tools, know-how, resources, and crew you need for success. From coordinating helicopter support at remote field camps to installing underwater pipelines, AMR has you covered.

  • Anchor retrieval
  • Land infrastructure
  • Gear storage when you need to send people or equipment ahead of a research project or field camp
  • Field support
  • Helicopter support: Hauling big loads out to the spot where a helicopter can land and pick up, so you don’t have to come to town as often
  • Vessel transport around Alaska and to/from the Lower 48
  • Documenting and inspection support of underwater systems: measure, define and photograph your marine system for regulation
  • Compliance support with local, state and federal agencies

We’ve been proud to work on these and many other marine contracting jobs:

  • Ridgeline Aviation helicopter support
  • KAMTU Seafood outfall pipes
  • City of Cordova Waste Water Treatment Plant
  • Prince William Sound Science Center
  • Native Village of Eyak mariculture project

Contact us to work through YOUR project ideas. We’re always here to chat about logistics. If we’re not the best fit for your project, we’ll be happy to direct you to other resources in the area. 

Commercial Diving

Alaska Marine Response certified divers are experienced in the marine industry. We know and understand the waters of Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska. Our team will arrive on-site to assess possible damage to your vessel, and help advise of next steps.

In addition, we provide underwater assessments and services for dock repairs, surveys, underwater repairs, infrastructure, and more.

Pollution Control

Once a boat is evacuated, pollution is the most immediate concern. It is imperative to contain fuel spills and other pollution issues. AMR rapidly coordinates with the U.S. Coast Guard, ADEC, and other related agencies.

We deploy oil spill boom and absorbent materials, defuel boats, and assess potential hazards. The AMR team is knowledgeable about the requirements of governing agencies as well as insurance companies, and works to resolve pollution problems as effectively and efficiently as possible.